Saturday, February 28, 2009

28th February

Well, the end of another month... a day closer to my weight goal.

In the last 3 weeks I've lost 4.1 kilos, and have tapered off to around a kilo a week. My weight is 100.8 kilos... I'm looking forward to being under 100 again, but even more so, being under 90kgs.

Last two days have been good for diet, but not as much exercise as I would normally like to do. Did pig out on 8 chocolate bickies on Friday night, but they were low fat with 43 calories in each, so even with that, I didn't exceed my daily calories. Not wise eating, but no harm done.

Wasn't very sore (DOMS) from my weight session on Wednesday, so think I better push the envelope a little more... don't think the weights were heavy enough for bench press, military press and lat pulldown. Butterfly and Bicep Curls were difficult.. struggled to do 10, 11, 12 of second set.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday 26th Feb @ 1 am

Just a short post this morning.

Did my weight training as I'd promised myself, so really thrilled and proud.

Just over 1,400 calories today too... so doing well to overcome that chocolate and chips at the beginning of the week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday 24th February

A bit achy today... like my leg muscled were jarred, possibly playing a few sets of Wii Tennis.

Eating wise great today. Only consumed 1360 odd calories, and did two lots of walking and 20 mins bowling on the Wii with the kids.

Still struggling with drinking enough water, but still about 6 glasses... need to get another 2 glasses in at the beginning of the day, I think.

Aiming for a weights workout tomorrow, Wednesday!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday 23rd @ 11 pm

Ok, after being told my profile photo looked like a 'mug shot' I have added a shocked look photo, dedicated to my former trainer (now no longer in Bendigo) Carrie... thanks for that!

Been busy on the Nintendo Wii tonight, with 30 minutes playing tennis, averaging 135 bpm (74% of MHR); and bowling and baseball for 20 minutes, averaging 110 bpm (60% of MHR). I also took Sammi for a walk for 20 minutes, approx 5 kph. I'll see how I pull up tomorrow....

Food wise been pretty good today. Nothing naughty, though macaroni cheese for dinner (made with skim milk) was a bit lazy. But I'd driven down to Tullamarine to pick up Daz and driven back, so I was not up for preparing an intricate meal. Had protein at every meal today, with tuna for brunch, chicken for late lunch and tea. Salad - carrot, tomato, lettuce, onion, cucumber... Rye bread... yeah, all in all good stuff. Must watch my water intake tomorrow, as I only had about 6 glasses.

On Saturday just gone (21st Feb), I ate two 200 gram bags of original Kettle Chips, a 250 g block of Top Deck, a snickers bar and a lite mars bar (lol... lite). Calories for the day just over 4,800 calories - 2 1/2 times my daily allowance. Since then, I've been trying to cut back my daily allowance to 1,500-1,700 calories, and add an extra 30 minutes exercise on top of a base exercise amount per day. I may find that emotional eating binge will cost me on weigh day Friday... hopefully with my extra exercise and reduced caloric intake I can still lose half a kilo.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

23rd February 2009

After 3 weeks I weighed in on 20th February at 101.4kg. I'm disappointed in myself that after dropping as low as 87kg for a short time in 2007, that I had once again gone OVER the 90kg and worse, the 100kg mark. But I am determined and focused.

I am using a combination of programmes to help with my weight-loss. I have joined The Biggest Loser Club, mainly because it has an online diary, and many other resources which help keep me on track and fully aware of my calories in and out. In terms of food I am taking information from Dr Phil's Ultimate Weight Loss Solution, The Biggest Loser, my previous nutritionist, several complementary weight loss books and magazines, and also knowledge gained from studying Certificate III in Fitness.

Basically that's more vegetables and fruit, whole grain breads and cereals, low fat milk and cheese, less processed foods, including more low GI foods, cutting back on fats and sugars.

Using the Biggest Loser Club resources, I am keeping track of energy in versus energy out. I have decided based on my activity level and goal for losing weight, that I will aim for 1900 calories per day. Over the next month I'll see how that works for me. The first week using this caloric allowance yielded a 1.1 kg loss.

My goal weight is 74kgs. And my goal date is 29th August 2009.

Warts and All


My name is Ben, known to some as 'Mac' or 'Maca'.

In 2004 I weighed 120kgs... a lot of weight for my 5'4" frame. I began a programme of cardio and weight training at my local gym, and early 2006 employed a personal trainer. I worked hard, ate well, and got down to 89kgs.

I maintained that weight (give or take a couple of kgs) for 2 years, until illness and the ensuing lack of exercise and motivation, contributed to my packing back on 15kgs. I was comfort eating and not able to use exercise as a tool for dealing with emotions and frustrations.

February 2009, and I've begun the road to wellness and fitness again. Weighing in at 104.9kg.