Monday, March 2, 2009

3rd March

Well, I'm plodding along... should that be blogging along nicely. The Biggest Loser Club resources allow you to track your intake of certain vitamins, minerals, etc., with their RDI (Recommended Daily Intake). Just looking back at the first three weeks, I've got calcium covered nicely, am a few percentage up on Fat and Saturated Fat. I'm a few % down on Carbs and Protein. Zinc and Iron are not within RDI range, so need to look at increasing those with diet and supplements. Also Sodium is a little high, so need to watch that when checking out nutritional information on things.

Salads are easy to do, to get 4-5 vegetables in one meal... but I'm getting a little bored with them. Maybe time to start putting brocolli, cauliflower, beans and carrot into my diet.

Been feeling a little bloated with drinking lots of low fat skim lattes... so think I better cut back to just one in the morning. They are filling, and only have 96 calories and 1 gram of fat, but have been feeling a little sluggish and fat in the last few days.

I'm keeping within my 1,900 calories per day, and exercising for 30-60 minutes. Not sure if I should perhaps cut the calories to 1,800 or 1,750... The Biggest Loser Club Website suggests 1,900 calories for my activity level, age, and amount of weight I would like to lose a week - that being .5 - 1 kg.

Goal for the rest of the week - More WATER, less Lattes!!

Warts and All


My name is Ben, known to some as 'Mac' or 'Maca'.

In 2004 I weighed 120kgs... a lot of weight for my 5'4" frame. I began a programme of cardio and weight training at my local gym, and early 2006 employed a personal trainer. I worked hard, ate well, and got down to 89kgs.

I maintained that weight (give or take a couple of kgs) for 2 years, until illness and the ensuing lack of exercise and motivation, contributed to my packing back on 15kgs. I was comfort eating and not able to use exercise as a tool for dealing with emotions and frustrations.

February 2009, and I've begun the road to wellness and fitness again. Weighing in at 104.9kg.