Friday, December 31, 2010

Back Again

and heavier... 111.6 kg.

Starting again afresh with the Biggest Loser Club Online.

Goal - long term - 74 kgs... short term 96.6 kg.

1 comment:

  1. Happy new the blogs.


Warts and All


My name is Ben, known to some as 'Mac' or 'Maca'.

In 2004 I weighed 120kgs... a lot of weight for my 5'4" frame. I began a programme of cardio and weight training at my local gym, and early 2006 employed a personal trainer. I worked hard, ate well, and got down to 89kgs.

I maintained that weight (give or take a couple of kgs) for 2 years, until illness and the ensuing lack of exercise and motivation, contributed to my packing back on 15kgs. I was comfort eating and not able to use exercise as a tool for dealing with emotions and frustrations.

February 2009, and I've begun the road to wellness and fitness again. Weighing in at 104.9kg.